
Tag: Wearable,  Interactive Installation

Tool: Arduino, Blender, Rhino, Grasshopper
Year: 2022

A switch controls the pump so that an air bag made of a shower curtain fills with water, making the portable bathroom a barrier between the wearer and the world. The air pump injects air bubbles into the water, pushing the water bag to vibrate and make audible sounds. A touch of water pressure.

This is the Superpower I use to resist the lack of imagination by simulate a shower. When I lack inspiration in my work and studies, I feel like taking a shower because the enclosed environment of the bathroom allows me to have a moment when my thoughts come flooding back. I tried to replicate that moment, and after deconstructing the shower experience, I got unique visual, fluid pressure, thermal conductivity, smell, and acoustic environmental elements. Based on these elements, I tried to build a portable bathroom using shower curtain, something I always stare at when I take a shower.

Showerable reveals my perpetual anxiety about being exposed to society's connectedness and the symptoms of technology. The lack of a barrier and the absorption of our own recognition eclipses our sense of self. This symptom led me into a crisis that demanded interventions that catered to social and emotional needs. I intend to build an armor to fight this symptom, intending to replicate the body perception of the shower for ten minutes to get to fight the anxiety of self and the world.

Special thanks to Zoey Wang, Qianyue Yuwen for being the model of the project.